010. Telling Your Living Children

As Hollyn might say "Short and sweet, they will ask the follow up questions" Your living children are on this journey with you. Join us as we discuss healthy and organic ways to discuss the loss of your child with your living or rainbow children. We include books that facilitate open dialogue to keep your baby alive among your living children. Remember, you are not alone here.

009. Self Care

“Step one, open the refrigerator.” Join the ladies of MOHA as they discuss different avenues of self care to allow your brain a much needed break during times of grief and distress. You are not alone!

008. Managing the Holidays

"Trim the Fat" Brittany, Hollyn and Anna discuss ways to manage the craziness of the holiday season by setting expectations and giving yourself grace. Tune in to hear how to support a loved one when they are experiencing their first holiday season without their baby.

007. Day of Separation Support

Physically separating from your baby when you leave the hospital adds an additional struggle to the pain of losing your baby. How do you find the steps to physically leave the hospital while you return home empty handed? Tune in to find out how to manage you or your loved one's day of separation through advice from three moms who have experienced separation from their baby.

006. Day(s) in the Hospital Support

Brittany, Hollyn, and Anna share details of how to make special memories with your baby while staying in the hospital. Tune in for tips from how to use a professional photographer to journaling the details of your stay.

005. Day of Loss Support

Find crucial support for the first days in the hospital from stillbirth and neonatal loss. Three mom's who have walked this path and have come out on the other end offer essential advice on how to survive after being told your baby has passed. Tune in for practical and motivational wisdom.


004. Lillian Belle’s Story

A new baby brings emotions of excitement and anticipation. Anna shares her story from the excitement of new life to her pain of losing her baby girl, Lillian. Listen in for raw and thoughtful conversation on the journey of her family’s loss.

003. Carter’s Story

Despite doing everything right, the promise of an “easy” pregnancy, or even bringing home a baby at the end, is not always the reality. How do you say ‘goodbye’ when the story has only begun? Listen in as Hollyn discusses the challenges she faced during her pregnancy with Carter, and how Carter’s strength and resilience in those difficult days brought her hope and taught her that ‘goodbye’ is not necessarily ‘the end’. This is Carter’s Story.



002. Eden Grace's Story

Isn't the death of a baby one of the most unimaginable pains someone can ever go through? Join Brittany as she tells her story of infertility struggles, becoming pregnant with a special needs child, and what she has experienced before and after losing her daughter. If you too have suffered a loss or know someone who has, this podcast with resonate with you.



001. Meet Mothers Of Held Angels

Three passionate women who have experienced loss from stillbirth and neonatal loss reach out to help other families experiencing the same pain. Listen in to hear their hope after loss and how they came to form MOHA!


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